Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where have I been?

I do apologize for the lag in my posting, but I have been quite busy lately, and consequentially, have been far too occupied with numerous other tasks to keep up with the blog. You see, I have recently acquired a job, and while I do admit that there aren't many jobs out there for degenerate alcoholics like myself, I do believe I have found the perfect occupation. A close friend of mine recently introduced me to the exciting world of cart pushing. Yes, thats right, I am now a bona fide cart pusher! I even get to don a ball cap and a reflective yellow vest, quite dapper attire if I do say so my self! Best of all, no one cares if I drink on the job! I'm falling down drunk most of the day and still manage to complete my extremely complex cart pushing duties...This is a career I am sure to succeed at. You see, I had a FAILED MILITARY career, a FAILED REAL ESTATE career, I even graduated from LAW SCHOOL and FAILED TO BE ACCEPTED BY THE VICTORIA BARR ASSOCIATION! But alas, it's my time to shine!

Finally, I have found my calling, and to all of those who said I was doomed to fail I say; FUCK OFF, FUCKTARDS, you know who you are! look out minimum wage here I come!

Todd, thanks for the career advice, I hope to see you at the annual cart pushers Cotillion. I have already picked out a pink gown and can't wait to wear it!

Sincerely, your queer cart pushing hero



RadioCanaDuh said...

Doctor Joe Goldberg, of Florida, was using the call sign, EA1AET. Fcc caught Goldberg. Goldberg has his own license, and on Probation. Joe Goldberg is now KJ4DVD.
Goldberg is a known friend of karol madera ve7kfm of BC. The Anti-American. Below was from Doc. Joe Goldberg while using a stolen call sign. Also visit
EA1AET said...
Brian's posting as radiocanaduh? I don't think so Todd. That sounds more like George N9VTB. The tipoff is Sophie.

Karol told George (on the air) that Sophie was the first and last piece he ever had. Heard it myself.

I don't like Brian either, because he busted me for bootlegging, just like he busted you for using a modified ham radio at 100 watts on 13.556, but don't buy into Karol's paranoia and start thinking every poster's Brian, because that's just Karol's mental illness working overtime.

I've stopped bootlegging, hid my equipment, and I'm cooperating with the government now. Suggest you do the same.


Anonymous said...

Today, 6-12-08, while Mike, KZ8O was talking on 14.275, karol madera ve7kfm as always, came in to run his normal foul low life mouth, Jamming as He does. Mike was talking about telling about the Vermont killings, when karol told of it, he claims the Canadians and him self called Vermont a good Start on Killing Americans, and about the "911" in New York. karol madera jumped in there and called Mike a "Liar" the nerve of karol calling some one a "Liar". Mike told how if you go to you could hear madera say these things, that NOW madera claims he NEVER Said. You want Proof, go to
After hearing madera, calling Mike a LIAR, I got on and told karol madera, HE is telling the LIE, He, Madera DID say those things and one can hear it at, also saying I hear what madera has said and been saying. Also karol madera tried saying he made/gets the credit for Mr. R.H leaving the FCC, and how R.H talks to karol and discussed the retirement with R.H.. karol madera was told to Put up or SHUT Up. It was not long, karol did not come back with any more. He is a complete "LIAR"
Pee-Wee Dean and may others were out there at the time.

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